Hello, Welcome!

I am Madhavi. I created InstaRoom to be an inspiration tool in your interior design journey.

I have always been interested in interior design and architecture. If I wasn’t an Engineer, I would have been an Architect. The structure of buildings, the concepts & ideas, the surroundings and the personal styles of people that inhabit the homes all fascinate me.

Covid took everything up a notch. I devoured books on different styles. I started following designers on instagram. I learnt that I like new mixed with the timeless charm of antiques. Personal interior design style does and should evolve and we have to be open to it. I don’t like the rigid question: “What's your design style?”.

I tried many well-known design tools, but they often felt cumbersome and lacked the fun element that design should bring. With InstaRoom, I have made it easy for you to experiment with different styles.

Whether you're a design enthusiast, a homeowner, or simply someone looking to make their spaces more stylish and comfortable, InstaRoom is here for you. It's not just about interiors; you can also use it to reimagine exteriors and outdoor spaces. This help page provides more details about usage and faqs.

I am also a poet, a twin mom and a golden retriever mom. I love teaching my dog new tricks (currently, I am trying to teach him names of his toys). I am married to a guy who said, “Go for it”, when I told him about working on this idea.

InstaRoom will continue to improve and evolve. I am not in a rush, though. The poet in me likes to think of it like tea that is simmering in a pot. Let it take its time.

Finally, send me a message. I would love to learn more about you and how I can help.

Best, Madhavi

P.S. If you're interested in my personal musings, you can visit my personal blog

For more on my professional experience: LinkedIn profile